Last songs: Computer generated songs using algorithmic laying of samples upwards of 120120 possible combinations * 30 seconds. These were based on the original drone – For Stanley..
Origination was a midi score made from Terry Riley’s Poppy Noogood and the phantom band. The midi data was used to produce short renditions on various synthesisers, Roland / Yamaha. These in turn recorded as samples to computer where subsequently a custom sample player, looper, processor, rendered various recordings over 8 tracks. For Stanley- One of Four last songs # 1. Stanley Sellers 1933-2013 my cousin and Architect. JLIAT
4. "Im Abendrot"
("At sunset") (Text: Joseph von Eichendorff)
Wir sind durch Not und Freude
gegangen Hand in Hand;
vom Wandern ruhen wir
nun überm stillen Land.
Rings sich die Täler neigen,
es dunkelt schon die Luft.
Zwei Lerchen nur noch steigen
nachträumend in den Duft.
Tritt her und laß sie schwirren,
bald ist es Schlafenszeit.
Daß wir uns nicht verirren
in dieser Einsamkeit.
O weiter, stiller Friede!
So tief im Abendrot.
Wie sind wir wandermüde--
Ist dies etwa der Tod?
We have gone through sorrow and joy
hand in hand;
Now we can rest from our wandering
above the quiet land.
Around us, the valleys bow;
the air is growing darker.
Just two skylarks soar upwards
dreamily into the fragrant air.
Come close to me, and let them flutter.
Soon it will be time for sleep.
Let us not lose our way
in this solitude.
O vast, tranquil peace,
so deep at sunset!
How weary we are of wandering---
Is this perhaps death?