Plays HNW using Java - to stop kill Process
As above but random
Java HNW write to file
Windows sample player / recorder
Chops up WAVs (win)
As above but different version (win)
Mixes MP3s (win)
Mixes Wavs (win)
If only 1 wav or mp3 in home folder - these also will chop up in effect.
Records PC sound @ 44100htz with VB source code (win)
Arp 2600 'skin' sample player - recorder with source code (win)
Lets you pick any file - .exe .DOc and makes a new file from this in .WAV format - so you can 'hear' it (win)
Plays random midi - (win)
Midi Keyboard player with code (win)
Mixes WAVS .EXE and VB code (win)
Writes wav from other wavs.. .EXE in root + VB code VB2010 (win)
Makes Random Midi files.EXE in root + VB code VB2010 (win)
Plays random files random loop times Akai Force Skin (win)
Source code for above (win)