Water meadow
late spring
a cloudy horizon and past the lake.
It is late winter
a small copse
evening and it is cold
low cloud.
Scrub land the sound of water
it is warm and high cloud.
It is winter
mid morning
a grassy bank the sound of water and it is cold
low grey clouds
past the lake.
Mid morning and the river twists and winds
it is summer and it is very hot and low cloud.
Midday and spring
pasture land and it is hot and thin cloud
a stream runs slowly.
Late winter and early afternoon and water meadow and it is cold.
Water lilies and it is morning
late spring and it is mild and light rain.
Water meadow and the sound of birdsong and midday
early summer and it is mild and low cloud.
It is late spring
water lilies the sound of water and it is very hot and deep blue sky.
It is spring and a grassy bank the sound of water
afternoon and it is warm and high cloud and a stream runs slowly.
Late winter and some horses in pasture
it is afternoon
it is cold
high cloud.
Cows in pasture
early summer and early morning
dull cloud.
Ripening corn and the sound of cattle
late spring
it is mild
low cloud.
Scrub land
morning and it is late summer and it is very hot
high cloud.
A small copse
it is hot
dull cloud.
Deep in a wood and summer
it is mild with clouds.
Mid winter
a grassy bank and it is cold
high cloud.
Ripening corn and summer and it is mild
high cloud.
Late summer and scrub land and the sound of birdsong
late afternoon
it is warm
Mid winter
early afternoon
water meadow the sound of water
high cloud.
It is early morning
arable land
early autumn
it is mild
a cloudy horizon.
It is mid morning
late summer and in a wood and it is mild
grey clouds.
It is early morning
a grassy bank and the sound of birdsong
it is very hot
grey clouds and the river winds.
Afternoon and late winter and in a wood the sound of water and the sound of cattle
it is bitter cold and dull cloud.
Pasture land
it is
low cloud.
Late afternoon
a still wood and spring
it is very hot
low cloud
a narrow stream.
Late spring
it is
a small copse and the sound of birdsong and it is mild and high cloud.
Pasture land the sound of water and early evening and it is mild and deep blue sky.
Late spring
scrub land and it is early evening
it is mild
grey clouds.
It is afternoon and water lilies and the sound of cattle and early spring
high cloud.
It is early afternoon
early winter
near a hedgerow and it is cold and dull cloud.
A grassy bank and summer and early afternoon and it is mild and the river winds.
It is early autumn
in a wood
early morning
it is hot and a cloudy horizon and the river winds.
A narrow lane
it is late summer
it is very hot
dull cloud.
It is afternoon
summer and ripening corn the sound of water and the sound of cattle
it is hot.
It is late summer and cows in pasture
it is very hot and grey clouds.
High summer and evening and water lilies
it is very hot
high cloud.
Autumn and water lilies and the sound of birdsong
it is mild and thin cloud.
early evening and it is mild and light rain.
It is early summer
it is early morning
in a wood the sound of water
dull cloud and rain and the river winds.
Water lilies
early autumn
it is late afternoon
it is hot
grey clouds
a narrow stream.
Ripening corn and it is mid morning and high summer and it is mild and grey clouds.
Evening and arable land and summer
it is very hot and a cloudy horizon
a pool.
Early afternoon and it is late autumn and water lilies
it is very hot
dull cloud
a stream.
Early evening and at the edge of a small birch wood
it is very hot
a clear sky
nearby a pool.
Late winter and some horses in pasture
it is afternoon
it is cold
high cloud.
Cows in pasture
early summer and early morning
dull cloud.
Ripening corn and the sound of cattle
late spring
it is mild
low cloud.
Scrub land
morning and it is late summer and it is very hot
high cloud.
A small copse
it is hot
dull cloud.
Late summer and water meadow and it is hot
grey clouds.
Early autumn
early morning
ripening corn and it is mild
grey clouds.
Ripening corn the sound of water and the sound of birdsong
it is early evening and it is very hot.
Scrub land
late winter
it is cold and dull cloud.
Ripening corn the sound of water and the sound of birdsong and early afternoon and it is high summer
it is mild and high cloud.
Water lilies and morning
high summer and low cloud and a river flows gently.
A grassy bank the sound of water and early autumn and early evening and dull cloud and nearby a pool.
Late summer and near a hedgerow and it is very hot and low grey clouds.
Early autumn
scrub land and the sound of birdsong
morning and it is mild
low grey clouds.
Near a hedgerow
morning and autumn and it is warm.
Midday and near a hedgerow and the sound of cattle and high summer and it is very hot
thin cloud.
Near a hedgerow and the sound of birdsong
mid winter
mid morning and it is cold and grey clouds.
Scrub land the sound of water
autumn and it is very hot with thin cloud.
In a wood the sound of water and late autumn
it is early evening
it is warm and low cloud.
Scrub land
late spring and afternoon and it is very hot.
Morning and a grassy bank the sound of water
mid winter and it is cold
Scrub land and early afternoon and it is mild
cloudy and rain.
It is late winter
mid morning and water meadow and it is cold
dull cloud.
Bluebells and mid morning and it is warm and a cloudy horizon.
Early autumn and water lilies and the sound of birdsong
it is mild and a cloudy horizon
a lake.
It is spring and a small copse and afternoon
it is mild
thin cloud.
Early autumn and late afternoon and water meadow
it is warm
low cloud.
Late spring
water lilies and early afternoon
it is mild
thin cloud and a narrow stream.
Near a hedgerow
early winter and it is cold and cloudy.
Mid winter and afternoon and the river twists and winds
it is cold
thin cloud.
early summer
near a hedgerow and it is mild.
It is early spring
a birch wood
it is hot
a clear sky and past the lake.
Mid morning and early autumn
there is a solitary oak tree and it is mild
thin cloud
a lake.
cows in pasture and late winter and it is cold
high cloud.
Late autumn and water meadow
Pasture land
early afternoon
it is cold.
ripening corn and it is hot with a clear sky.
It is late spring
a narrow lane
it is mild
low grey clouds.
Some horses in pasture and morning
late summer
it is mild and dull cloud
Ripening corn the sound of water
it is early autumn and it is mild
low grey clouds.
Mid morning
early winter and a grassy bank and it is cold and low cloud and a muddy ford.
near a hedgerow and it is autumn
it is mild with thin cloud.
Pasture land and early winter
early morning
it is cold.
Summer and some horses in pasture and it is mild and low grey clouds.
bluebells the sound of water and low grey clouds.
It is winter
at the edge of a small birch wood and afternoon and it is cold and grey clouds.
It is evening and a grassy bank and early summer
it is mild
grey clouds
nearby a pool.
High summer and a small copse
it is mild
high cloud.
Pasture land and early autumn and it is evening
it is mild and low cloud.
Arable land
morning and spring and it is mild and low grey clouds.
High summer and a small copse and it is hot and high cloud.
A grassy bank the sound of water and the sound of birdsong and mid winter
it is cold
grey clouds.
Late afternoon and some horses in pasture and it is early spring
it is mild with thin cloud.
Near a hedgerow the sound of water and spring and it is very hot
dull cloud.
Late spring
a small copse
midday and it is warm and a cloudy horizon.
In a wood
early summer and early evening and grey clouds.
Morning and a still wood and it is early spring and it is warm and a narrow stream.
in a wood and it is cold
grey clouds and a small pool.
Afternoon and pasture land the sound of water
it is mild.
ripening corn the sound of water
high summer
it is warm
dull cloud.
A grassy bank the sound of water
it is early summer
late afternoon and it is mild
deep blue sky.
Scrub land
Afternoon and early spring
a grassy bank
it is mild with clouds
past the lake.
Pasture land
early winter
mid morning and it is cold
grey clouds
a muddy ford.
Mid morning
near a hedgerow the sound of water
it is very hot with thin cloud.
A small copse and morning and it is mild and low grey clouds.
Early evening and mid winter
a small copse
it is bitter cold and light rain.
Scrub land and early summer and it is hot and high cloud.
A small copse
mid morning and mid winter and low grey clouds.
It is early afternoon
it is summer and water meadow and the sound of cattle
it is warm with clouds and light rain.
Early autumn
ripening corn and the sound of birdsong
high cloud.
Early evening
deep in a wood with thin cloud.
scrub land
it is cold
thin cloud and light rain.
Late spring and afternoon
water meadow and it is hot and dull cloud.
late summer
it is warm
thin cloud.
It is late spring
morning and a small copse and it is mild
a cloudy horizon.
Early winter
mid morning
a small copse and it is cold and low cloud.
It is late spring and a grassy bank the sound of water
it is hot.
It is early autumn
early evening
water lilies and it is very hot and low cloud and a lake.
It is
late spring and water lilies
high cloud.
Deep in a wood
early evening
early autumn and it is warm
Early spring
water lilies and it is afternoon and a cloudy horizon
a small pool.
a grassy bank
it is mild and dull cloud and light rain.
Late afternoon and it is late spring
the river twists and winds
it is warm and high cloud and a stream.
It is late spring and ripening corn and it is warm and grey clouds.
In a wood and the sound of birdsong
early spring and it is mild
dull cloud.
Water lilies
late autumn
afternoon and dull cloud and a small pool.
Early afternoon and a grassy bank
late winter
it is cold with thin cloud and a stream runs slowly.
It is early morning and pasture land the sound of water and late winter
it is cold
dull cloud.
Pasture land
it is and early spring and it is mild
cloudy and a muddy ford.
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