“Real” sound is any sound, but to perceive it, it is the case that it needs to be looked at without it being a signifier. Minimal art, Andre, Judd explored the non signification of art as did certain abstract painters, notably Morris Louis. Sound consists of waves, i.e. the pure pulse waves, here, www.jliat.com/waves/ .. in music sounds are “organised” via the construction of devices for its production. These are non accidental and in their development completed the signification in the synthesiser, a practical Hegelian solution to the need to signify. Such an absolute signification that the signifier was never heard. INC consists of midi files which cycle through the presets of the target machine, sending the data C3, 120, 2399.. which is a note on with a velocity of 120 and length of 2399 (not 2400 for technical reasons – the midi prg change would at times stop the note on command) every 10 seconds. The piece can be “performed” on any midi controllable device. The first examples were the Yamaha SY range of devices, EMU racks, and Roland JV devices.

It is neither randomness – contingency- or chaos / khora which creates but the totality which is (already) completed- called the virtual – but it is not, for in any given system the totality is already present- it is not a possibility. How can a possibility enter into a system, and from where or from what, it must already be present. i.e. (two binary digits) 10 can only exist if already 00,10,01,11 is given, 10 is not a genesis from a virtuality which does exist but it is the apostoria inscribing of the already total system 00,10,01,11. 10 is only a “writing” of an already written. There is no generative or creative. The horizon is fixed in and at the position in which we are located- here.

See Future Christ A Lesson in Heresy by Francois Laruelle.

Yamaha SY99 P1

Yamaha SY99 P2

Yamaha TG77 P1

Yamaha TG77 P2

Yamaha TG55 P1

Yamaha TG55 I1

MP3 download - right click!

Yamaha SY99 P1
Yamaha SY99 P2
Yamaha TG77 P1
Yamaha TG77 P2
Yamaha TG55 P1
Yamaha TG55 I1

link to Silences

link to Noise
link to waves